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Modern slavery and human trafficking policy

1. Introduction

Solirius Consulting is committed to ensuring that modern slavery and human trafficking are not present in any part of our business or supply chains. This policy outlines our approach to identifying and addressing these issues in compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

2. Organisation's Structure, Business and Supply Chains


Solirius Consulting is a leading IT consultancy providing a range of services including technology consulting, software development, and IT support. Our headquarters are located in London, UK.



We offer our services primarily to clients in the UK, operating in sectors such as finance, healthcare, retail, and government.

Supply Chains

Our supply chains include the sourcing of technology consultants, IT products e.g. laptops, hosting and facilities/property management. We work with suppliers from various regions, ensuring they adhere to our ethical standards.

3. Policies in Relation to Slavery and Human Trafficking

Solirius Consulting has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to upholding and respecting human rights and ensuring ethical practices throughout our business operations and supply chains. We pledge to act with integrity in all our dealings and never knowingly engage with suppliers involved in any form of modern slavery.

4. Due Diligence Processes

To prevent and address modern slavery and human trafficking, we have implemented the following due diligence processes:

  • Conducting thorough background checks on all permanent employees and contractors through Verifile, including checks on non-UK based references, right to work in the UK, employment or student reference verification for the past three years, and a basic Disclosure and Barring Service check

  • Requiring suppliers to confirm their adherence to our anti-slavery and human trafficking standards

  • Regularly reviewing and assessing our supply chains to identify and mitigate any risks related to modern slavery.

5. Risk Assessment and Management

Solirius Consulting operates primarily in the UK and vet all consultants who operate for us. Moreover we carefully assess other areas of our supply chain such as facilities management and the provision of office supplies. We therefore have low-risk indicators for modern slavery. Nevertheless we remain vigilant and proactive in our risk management:

  • Regularly assessing parts of our business and supply chains for potential risks of modern slavery and human trafficking

  • Implementing measures to address identified risks, including supplier audits and continuous monitoring

  • Working closely with suppliers to ensure compliance with our standards and addressing any issues promptly.

6. Effectiveness and Performance Indicators

To measure the effectiveness of our efforts in preventing modern slavery and human trafficking, we use the following key performance indicators:

  • Number of completed due diligence checks on employees and suppliers

  • Frequency of supplier audits and assessments

  • Reports of non-compliance or concerns raised through our reporting mechanisms

  • Employee and supplier training completion rates.


These indicators are reviewed annually to ensure ongoing effectiveness and to identify areas for improvement.

7. Training and Capacity Building

Solirius Consulting provides comprehensive training on modern slavery and human trafficking to all employees and contractors. This includes:

  • Mandatory training sessions during the onboarding process for all members of our team involved in procurement and managing consultants.

  • Regular refresher courses for existing staff to keep them informed of current issues and best practices

  • Access to resources and support for employees to report any concerns related to modern slavery.

8. Policy Review

This policy is reviewed annually to ensure it remains effective and relevant. Any updates or changes will be communicated to all employees and contractors, ensuring ongoing awareness and compliance.

9. Endorsement

The Solirius Consulting Senior Management Team is responsible for implementing this policy and ensuring adequate resources and investment to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking within our organisation and supply chains. This policy is accessible to all employees and contractors via our cloud platform and is communicated through local management and onboarding processes.

Approved by Mick Punt, Director of Operations

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